When it comes to developing healthy lifestyle habits, many people have trouble figuring out where to start. They find themselves looking at fad diets or purchasing expensive gym memberships, yet never acclimate their habits to either. If you’re wanting to improve your quality of life, one of the best ways to do so is meal planning. In this day and age, the temptation to order out is stronger than ever, and convenient with just the click of an app. Meal planning can save you money as it improves your lifestyle.

If you’re unsure of where to start, we’ve compiled a guide for beginners that we hope you’ll find beneficial on your road to wellness.

Self Reflection

The first step you should take is a thorough examination of your lifestyle and the schedule you follow on any given day. Think about how much time you have for cooking, shopping, and prepping. Be realistic, this is the perfect time to be honest about your personal timetable.

We advise that you start with one week. Think about how many meals you have on an average day, chart them out and plan what you might want to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Map out the seven days of the week and what you might want to have each day. This will make your trips to the grocery store more itemized.

Food Tetris

When you were in elementary school, you probably had several facts about the four food groups drilled into your head. Your second-grade teacher will be proud of you that you’re getting ready to do the same with meal planning. Some nutrition experts refer to this practice as “food Tetris” and it can be quite a fun activity to partake in. Simply choose one food item from each group–carb, protein, vegetable, and fat. If you have trouble deciding upon where to start, setting a theme from day to day (such as Taco Tuesday) is a great way to get started.

Assembling Your List

Once you have an idea of what your week’s worth of planning is going to include, it’s time to make an itemized list of ingredients. Usually, one trip a week to the store is all you need. While it might take getting used to, with a little bit of discipline, you’ll be able to stay the course and stick to the plan.

If you’re looking to develop some new eating habits, reach out to Fresh Flamingo! We provide nutritious options that are catered to a variety of lifestyles. Made from the freshest ingredients, our chefs apply their expertise to everything they do to give you the very best in the way of culinary creations. Give us a call at (941) 600-6551 or fill out the form below for more information.

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