Today, we resolve to make it our mission to obliterate the misguided notion that eating healthy is nothing more than an austere, difficult, and miserable effort devoid of fun.
Healthy eating has so many positive benefits and spillover effects, and it’s tragic that more people don’t understand them. Fresh Flamingo wants to cast aside negativity, and show you a handful of fun facts that definitively prove the joys and benefits of eating healthy.

Healthy Eating Helps You Save Money
One of the worst myths, and a tough one to disabuse people of, is this assumption that healthy products cost a fortune. This isn’t true, especially with the rising costs of fast food and other plainly unhealthy competitors. Even if you pursue organic items (which may cost a little), it’s a significant investment into fresher ingredients, better quality, and avoiding horrible ailments. What costs more: paying for high-quality whole foods, or maintenance medications, surgeries, and other interventions to counter the effects of unhealthy eating?
It Can Also Help You Curb Most Cravings
Yes, real food will satiate, reduce your temptation for junk food, and prevent overeating. By consuming healthy fats and proteins, like the ones in our Salt, Peppers, and Onions Bowl, you’ll enjoy plenty of Omega 3s, which curb hunger.
Healthy Eating Can Reverse Depression Symptoms
There are plenty of nutritious items with a terrific reputation for making you feel much better. Bananas, seafood, nuts, and seeds offer lots of potassium, protein, and other macros and vitamins responsible for mental clarity.
You Can Also Prevent, Mitigate, & Cure Various Illnesses
The examples are too numerous to list, but disciplined eating can give you a totally clean bill of health. While not all forms of diabetes are curable, many patients have reversed Type 2 diabetes through effective Keto dieting. Even if you don’t want to go “zero carbs,” Fresh Flamingo offers plenty of “low carb” alternatives, such as our Chicken-Veggie Wok.
Interested in Weight Loss? Diet Works Better Than Exercise
While it’s helpful to exercise outdoors, do resistance training, or simply moving around more often, a good diet is still the primary way to lose weight. We invite you to check out our entire menu and explore the various selections labeled as “fitness” or “beach.” Those are among our most nutritious and popular dishes.
Of course, there are plenty of other advantages to eating a healthy diet. Fresh Flamingo specializes in delivering fresh and delicious whole foods to folks in the Sarasota community. That means you can add convenience and time savings to this list as well.
Want to learn more about our meals and delivery service? Contact us anytime at 941-600-6551.